IRIS instant payments to professionals / businesses

Businesses (sole proprietorships) or professionals collect payment dues easily within a few seconds. Their customers complete payments simply with the use of the beneficiary-business’s mobile phone number or Tax Identification Number (Τ.Ι.Ν.), without the need of IBAN use. In order for the transaction to be completed, both parties have to have previously activated the IRIS service via their mobile banking application. For reasons of convenience, businesses may provide their mobile phone number or T.I.N. in a scannable QR Code form.

The collection procedure is completed within a few seconds and the business / professional is instantly notified of the transaction completion. The service's function is based on TIPS infrastructure.

The procedure of the businesses’ participation to the service requires co-operation with a Payment Service Provider (the service is already offered by Alpha Bank, National Bank of Greece, Eurobank, Piraeus Bank, Cooperative Bank of Epirus,, Optima bank, Attica Bank, Pancreta Bank, Cooperative Bank of Thessally, Cooperative Bank of Karditsa and Cooperative Bank of Chania.

Registered Tax Identification Numbers: 560.948                    

Instant Credit 24/7/365

The business/ professional is credited within a few seconds

Simplified collection procedure

User-friendly and quick payment experience

Payment is completed following easy steps on a smartphone

Secure payment

Compliant with the European SEPA Instant Credit Transfer scheme

Instant Credit 24/7/365

The business/ professional is credited within a few seconds

Simplified collection procedure

User-friendly and quick payment experience

Payment is completed following easy steps on a smartphone

Secure payment

Compliant with the European SEPA Instant Credit Transfer scheme