2024 Statistical data

In 2024, the DIAS Payment System processed a total of 467,2 million transactions, with a total value of €501,9 billion. The number of transactions increased by 15% compared to 2023. On average, during working days in 2024, 1,9 million transactions (of €2 billion value) were processed daily through DIAS, reaching on 19/12/2024 a daily record of 5,9 million transactions (valued at €3,8 billion).

The Graph I, reflects the number (volume) in millions of transactions being processed through the DIAS Payment System over the years, since 2009.

Graph I


The Graph II, shows the value, in billions of euros, of transactions being processed through the DIAS Payment System over the years, since 2009.

Graph II

Some of the most successful services of the DIAS Payment System for the year 2024 are stated below along with their growth indexes.

The percentage of credit transfers (Bank to Bank credit transfers, instant credit transfers, fund collection, and payments of businesses/organizations) equals to 83,6% (390,4 million transactions) of the total number of transactions processed by DIAS in 2024. Among these, 122 million were Bank to Bank credit transfers, an increase of 44,3% compared to 2023. Additionally, 57,8% of credit transfers were instant, reaching 70,6 million instant credit transfers in 2024, reflecting a 92,1% increase compared to 2023. On 23/12/2024, a daily record was achieved with 888K instant credit transfers. Instant payments’ sub-category, IRIS P2P, recorded 49,3 million instant credit transfers between friends, reflecting an increase of 142,4% compared to 2023 (a remarkable 64 times more transactions compared to 2020). In December 2024, IRIS P2P registered users, reached 3,4 million, representing an increase of 56,4% compared to 2023 (a sixfold increase compared to January 2020). The IRIS P2B service had 557,281 registered professionals by the end of 2024, an elevenfold increase compared to 2020, with transactions increasing by 844% compared to 2023 (116 times more transactions compared to 2020). Notably, August 2024 saw historical monthly highs with 166,000 new users for IRIS P2P and 124,000 new users for IRIS P2B.

Furthermore, 37% (173,3 million) of transactions processed through the DIAS Payment System in 2024, were payment collections for businesses and other entities, which increased by 13,5% compared to 2023. In the vast majority of transactions, were completed using the RF/QR payment code. By December 2024, nearly all (99%) public and private sector organizations connected to DIAS had adopted the standard RF/QR payment code.

Indicatively, entities of the private and public sector that use the RF/QR payment code belong to the following industries/fields: tax authorities (for tax collections such as vehicle circulation taxes), social security institutions, energy and telecommunications companies, insurance and pharmaceutical companies, courier companies, businesses in the car industry, private educational institutions, retail companies in electronics, clothing, cosmetic companies and more.

Payments of businesses/organizations reached 20% of total transactions processed through DIAS in 2024, summing up to 95 million transactions, a 9,5% decrease compared to 2023. Among these, 93 million of such transactions were payments by the public sector (public servants’ payrolls, pensions, benefits) whereas the remaining 2 million transactions represent payments to private entities and businesses, with an increase of 12,7% compared to 2023.

Moreover, 32,2 million transactions (22,5 million successfully completed and 9,7 million rejected), corresponding to 6,9% of total transactions processed through DIAS, were completed through the DIAS Direct Debit service, which increased by 14,8% compared to 2023. This growth was primarily driven by collections by insurance and telecom companies, as well as direct debits initiated by companies based in third countries within SEPA, such as PayPal.

A significant growth was also recorded in transactions of several other payment services such as IRIS eCommerce transactions in online shops, which increased by 94% compared to 2023, and were nine times higher than in 2020. It should be noted that the number of merchants using IRIS eCommerce in their e-shops increased 46-fold compared to 2020, in 2024.

Last, the interbank ATM service processed 5,8 million transactions, showing a marginal increase of 0,7% compared to 2023, while the interbank Cheque service processed 2,04 million transactions, representing a 2,4% decrease compared to 2023.  

The following graph represents the percentage of transactions processed through the DIAS Payment System in 2024 as well as their value, per category / sub-category of payment services.

DIAS consists of 50 members -Payment Service Providers-  26 of which are based in Greece, 11 in Cyprus and 13 in the rest of Europe.

On 18/04/2024 at 07:43:07, a historical peak was achieved in real-time payment processing, with 177 instant payment transactions that second.

The following Table 1 presents the percentage increase of the DIAS Payment System’s growth in terms of transactional volume and value over the last four years, along with the cumulative increase in 2024 compared to 2020.

Table 1


The corresponding graphical representation of the data follows (infographic).